Step 1 Science
Living Things: Taste by Junior and Senior Infants
Energy and Forces: Circuits by Second and Third Classes
Materials: Density and Non Newtonian Fluids by Senior Infants and First Class
Environmental Awareness and Care: Weather by Fourth and Fifth Classes
Material: Vanishing Water by Fifth and Sixth Classes
Living Things: Lung Capacity by Fifth and Sixth Classes
A Visit from the National Parks and Wildlife Service Ranger Tony Murray
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Step 2 Technology
Developed a blog
This blog was designed and developed by 5th and 6th Classes with the assistance of Mrs Donnellan and Ms Druhan. We developed the blog to assist us in achieving the Plaque of STEM Excellence in the Discover Science and Maths Award 2018. This blog documents a snapshot of some of the science and maths that has been performed by the students in our school this year.
Used technology to record and analyse data
Used ICT to access science, engineering and maths information
The students in our school use ICT daily to promote learning. With regard to maths and science we often carry out research online to gather further information and to help us learn in a unique way. As part of our project for the RDS Science Fair, we researched the various birds that nest and feed on the lake. We also looked up information about Our Lady's Island Lake and salt levels. We also use a variety of software such as Excel, Word and Powerpoint to help us analyse our collected data and to present information.
Used laptops and iPads for classwork
While we predominantly use laptops in pairs and groups, we also use tablets. For the most part, we use technology to carry out research, to analyse and present data and to take photographs of our work. We also play educational games online to help us learn.
Step 3 Engineering
Design and make activity
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Invited an engineer to the school to speak to the children about his work
David Codd spoke to students in our school about his job as an engineer with Wexford County Council. David also does the Junior Achievement Programme with us which involves problems solving and other maths and science skills.
Step 4 Maths
Using maths skills and knowledge as part of science
We use maths as part of our science and science as part of our maths!
A few examples:
Our project on the salt levels in Our Lady's Island Lake for the RDS Science Fair
Averages: We calculated average ppl (parts per litre) for the salt readings at each site.
Data: We presented the information in pie charts and bar charts.
Lung Capacity
Capacity: We marked the capacity levels on the 5 litre bottle and we measured our own lung capacity.
How much sugar are in treats?
Weight: We looked at wrappers to check how much sugar were in various drinks, bars and sweets. We weighed out these amounts of sugar and put them in bags.
Heart Rate
Time: We took our pulse at rest for 30 seconds. We then did some exercise and measured our pulse again after exercise for 30 seconds.
A few examples:
Our project on the salt levels in Our Lady's Island Lake for the RDS Science Fair
Averages: We calculated average ppl (parts per litre) for the salt readings at each site.
Data: We presented the information in pie charts and bar charts.
Lung Capacity
Capacity: We marked the capacity levels on the 5 litre bottle and we measured our own lung capacity.
How much sugar are in treats?
Weight: We looked at wrappers to check how much sugar were in various drinks, bars and sweets. We weighed out these amounts of sugar and put them in bags.
Heart Rate
Time: We took our pulse at rest for 30 seconds. We then did some exercise and measured our pulse again after exercise for 30 seconds.